7 Cookie Recipes I Made Last Week

Last week I shared with you a weeks worth of cookie recipes and this week is no different! I’ve been obsessively baking new cookie recipes, pretty much everyday. For more on the ‘wh'y’ behind this cookie situation, check out last week’s post! Otherwise, here is seven cookie recipes I made this week! 


Tahini Cookies by Mamaleh’s for Epicurious

Through this experiment I really wanted to try out some new and interesting flavors. I recently bought a jar of tahini for a hummus recipe (believe it or not I sometimes eat food that’s not cookies!) so when I saw this recipe for tahini flavored cookies I knew I had to give it a try! Tahini has a very similar flavor to natural peanut butter, nutty and a little more earthy in taste. I want to experiment more with tahini in the future! Maybe paired with pistachios or ginger? Try these out and then tell me your thoughts!


Black and White and Green cookies by Rick Martinez for Bon Appetit

When I first saw these cookies in the December issue of Bon Appetit I was blown away. I also listened to the Bon Appetit food cast episode where Rick talks in depth about developing this recipe. What I didn’t do before I started making these was read the recipe reviews online. I typically don’t read recipe reviews, but I wanted to see how this recipe was playing out for other people. My dough was a little hard to work with and I was hoping to find some words of wisdom. If you’re looking for a good laugh read the recipe reviews on this one. So many people thought that these tasted like weed cookies, or just had a horrible time trying to decorate them. There’s a couple of things here that I think probably make a difference in the taste. MAKE SURE to de-stem your mint. Leaving the stems in is probably why some people have the more ‘weed’ like taste. As far as getting the most circular cookie, try freezing the cutouts for ten to fifteen minutes before baking. I’m not sure how BA got their cookies so green, but all in all I think these turned out well! If I was making these again I would probably wait until the summer when everyone’s mint plants are overflowing and increase the mint by 50%.


Salted Chocolate Chunk Shortbread Cookies by Alison Roman for New York Times Cooking

These are often called, ‘The Cookie’, over on Instagram. I made these a while back for the holiday season and let me tell you, they taste as good as they look. Plus, they’re easy as hell to make. You don’t even need baking powder or soda! I made mine with my favorite chocolate, Tony’s Chocolonely! I read some reviews on this one and someone said they used a chocolate bar with orange infused in it which I thought was a fun way to add a little bit of extra flavor.


Salty Buckwheat Chocolate Chunk Cookies by Sarah Jampel for Basically

I took on a very special project this past week and decided to make 100 cookies for my friends at Harlow’s Pizza. They told me I could make whatever cookie I wanted so I went with pizza’s perfect match, a classic chocolate chip cookie. I couldn’t go too basic with these because Harlow’s is the best pizza ever so to shake things up a bit I searched for a chocolate chip cookies with a twist. Conveniently, Basically posted this recipe the same day. They use buckwheat flour to add a nice texture and nutty flavor. So interesting, the dough got really dark but they baked into this lovely deep brown color. I also used Tony’s Chocolonely on these and it worked perfectly!


Compost Cookies by Christina Tosi for Milk Bar

At the end of a long weekend of cookie baking, these were a really fun one to try out. I love Milk Bar with my whole heart, their corn cookie is my favorite cookie of all time and I make a point to stop into milk bar every time I’m in New York. I wanted to try another one of their cookie recipes so I went for this one that they have on their website. I love that this cookie had so many different flavors in it. The coffee grounds are so rich and flavorful and the pretzels add the best crunch. I also love reading Christina’s recipe the way that she combines ingredients is so interesting.


Matcha Green Tea Butter Cookies by Emiko Davies for Food 52

Like I said before, I’ve been wanting to try out some new ingredients so these matcha cookies really fit the bill. Plus, the green color is just so vibrant! I think that the black and white and green cookies need a little spoonful of this to really enhance the color. These cookies were also exceptionally soft and delicious unlike some other shortbread cookies that I’ve tried out! In the recipe they suggest dotting the cookies with icing but I think coating the surface added some extra sweetness and texture to these.


Olive Oil Sugar Cookies With Pistachios and Lemon Glaze by Sarah Keiffer

I added this recipe to my list on a whim because I’ve made olive oil cakes before and really liked them but honestly, I wasn’t super excited to make these. However, I’m really glad that I did because they’re one of my favorite cookies I’ve made so far! I love the combo of the olive oil with the lemon and the salty sweet pistachios. These will definitely be made again!

And there you have it! Seven cookie recipes that I tried out so you didn’t have to! Be sure to let me know if you make one of these recipes, I want to hear how it went for you! In the meantime follow me over on Instagram to see more baking adventures!